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Turn Old Tubs New, Bathtub Refinishing Remodel in Less Than Two Days!™


The Process Of Mixing Bathtub Refinishing Coatings

The process of mixing bathtub refinishing coatings can vary depending on the type of coating you are using. Here are some general steps to follow:

1. Read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully: Before mixing any coatings, it’s important to read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. This will ensure that you mix the coatings correctly and achieve the desired results. Different coatings may have different mixing ratios and instructions.

2. Prepare the surface: Before applying any coatings, you will need to prepare the surface of the bathtub by cleaning it thoroughly and sanding it lightly. This will help the coatings adhere properly.

3. Mix the coatings: Depending on the type of coating you are using, you may need to mix two or more components together. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and use the recommended mixing ratios. Many bathtub refinishing coatings contain strong chemicals that can be harmful if inhaled. It is important to mix the coatings in a well-ventilated area, such as outdoors or in a room with open windows and doors.

4. Use a mixing tool: Use a mixing tool, such as a drill with a mixing attachment or a stir stick, to mix the coatings thoroughly. Make sure the coatings are mixed evenly and there are no lumps or clumps. To ensure a smooth, even finish, it is important to mix the coatings until they are completely blended.

5. Apply the coatings: Once the coatings are mixed, you can apply them to the surface of the bathtub using a spray gun or brush. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and apply the coatings evenly and smoothly. Before applying the coatings to the bathtub surface, it is a good idea to test the mixture on a small, inconspicuous area to ensure that it is the right consistency and color.

6. Allow the coatings to dry: After applying the coatings, allow them to dry completely before using the bathtub. This can take several hours or overnight, depending on the type of coating you are using.

By following these steps, you can mix bathtub refinishing coatings correctly and achieve a smooth and durable finish.

Join our team of bathtub refinishing experts and learn how to mix coatings like a pro! (423) 612-4174

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